Friday, October 2, 2009


Olivia somehow got skipped over when I was putting school pics up. This is her first day of preschool. So here she is in all her cutie patootie glory!

This is a picture of our newly refinished wood floor that Jake and I worked our watooskies off on! It turned our beautifully, but man did it take a lot of time!

Me: Kailey Rose get your finger out of your nose!
Rosey: (in an authoritative tone) Mom, I'm tired. I nuggle my nose!

As you can imagine, this has become a favorite phrase in our house. So Kailey, now we have proof that you like to 'nuggle' your nose :)


Mom's Place said...

Your girls are so cute!! Good job on the floor! Makes me miss my wood floors.

the mom said...

sweet little punkins. i know everyone says 'sweet' but i really mean it. they are so good and kind and affectionate. just thinking about them makes me smile.