Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Great kids...

1. Isaac sings (loud) while he vaccums....

2. Livy's new friend at preschool's name is broccoli
(actually brooklyn, but its too cute to correct!)

3. Logan loves girls and boys alike. Girl stuff, boy stuff, whatever, he is totally cool with it...

4. Kailey walks around with a book open right in front of her face singing...

I adore my children......

P.S. Aren't their Lisa/Tyler wedding outfits adorable?


L.R.L said...

They are WAY cute, the outfits and the children...though Isaac doesn't look to thrilled. Little did he know that he would be dancing the night away with ME....what a great little family you have siser.

the mom said...

i adore them too. and their mom and dad!