Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This little piggy....

So I apparently never sang the "this little piggy" song to my kids before because I sang it to kailey the other day and they thought it was hillarious and made me sing it over and over like 20 times. Literally. So we named all my toes and then they got to pic which color to paints "their" toe. Daddy was the red one, then Isaac was green, Logan was blue, Livy sparkley pink, then kailey hot pink. They thought it was hillarious and I even let them do it themselves. Except dad was at the fire station so I did his. and helped Kailey with hers. It makes me smile when ever I look down at my toes. Cute kids.


Anne Left. Lisa Right said...

you do have cute kids....nice toes...

Tyler said...

My mom would sing that to me. I loved it. I can't remember the words to the song, though... I guess it's been a while.

the mom said...

i love those piggies. i've loved them for many years. i want to kiss them. and the sweet ones who painted them too!

Tyler said...

So, you're stickin' it to the man this weekend because I'm not gonna be there? Gee, that makes me feel special. Thanks, Apurl.

I'm glad Isaac liked the shirt. I wanted to get a cooler one, but all the kid's designs were lame-o. If he was a little big bigger I would have gotten one that rocked his little piggies in his socks!