Here are the rules.
1. Go to my documents/pictures.
2. Go to my 6th file folder.
3. Go to my 6th picture.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tag 6 people to do the same.
This is actually a pretty good picture for having to be picked at random! I swear I didn't cheat! This is a picture of my sister Lisa, brother Jeff and me at my cousin Audrey's wedding at the Portland Oregon temple about a year ago. It was so much fun to be with them and just have fun and to only have 1 child with me was such a luxury! Good times!
Okay, I am tagging Lisa, Anna, Kim, Tyler, Amy, and Soleil. If you have already been tagged then never mind! Good luck!
Yeah I thought you mut have a blog, you are way to crafty to not! Thanks for finding me.
Aww siblings! Thanks for the tag april . . . and thanks for helping me with my collage. I am enjoying it so much.
alright... here goes. We'll see if I can do this.
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